He will reply, "Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me."
Matthew 25:45
2023 Angel Wings Memorial Dedication
Dedicated To The 179 Of God's Concrete Angels That Were Lost To The Streets In 2023.
The Youngest was a 23 Year Old Female and the Oldest was an 81 Year Old Male. Several of Them Died from Hyperthermia and Hypothermia and There Were Several That Were Killed .
The Total Number of Homeless That Have Died on the Streets of Dallas for the Years of 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 Comes to a Total of 1,069, with 40 of Them Being Infants. That is Over a Thousand of God's Concrete Angels That Have Been Lost to the Streets of Dallas! Where's the Outrage and Where are the Funds Going that are Supposed to Help Prevent This From Continuing to Happen?
These Angels Have All Received Their Angel Wings.
Gone But Never Forgotten!
Robyn Adan
Tony Ady
Charles Anderson
Isabel Aparicio
Michael Bagley
Andrew Banks
Georgia Barry
Jeffery Beall
David Beason
Gregory Bell
Eric Billingslea
Donny Blanchard
Scott Braaten
Quinten Bradford
Theresa Brown
Wanona Brown
Christina Buchheit
Perry Byrd
Jose Luis Cantu
Robert Cardenas
Carl Carter
Steven Carther
Crispin Barrera Celestino
Angel Chamorro
Amanda Chatterton
Robert Cherry
Edwina Clark
Michael Cockrell
Rodney Collins
Blake Copple
Danielle Davis
Gregory Davis
John Davison
Billy Dennis
Daniel Dickerson
Michael Dodd
Charles Duff
Brodrick Duncan
Tyler Duncan
Frances Easley
Ronald Edwards
William Evans
Patrick Fisher
Humberto Flores
Milton Fountain
Irwin Franklin
Patrick Furlough
Guadalupe Garcia
Jimmie George
Bobby Goff
Michelle Goines
Todd Graham
John Guy
Daniel Hall
Larry Hall
Michael Hamilton
Scott Henderson
Cesar Contreras Hernandez
Johnny Hernandez
Roy Hester
Charles Hill
Christian Hill
Walter Hill
Yvonne Hines
Milton Hobbs
Don Houston
Hennessy Hunt
Elizabeth Hunter
Demarus Johnson
Noel Johnson
Mickey Kamara
Doris Kemp
Michael Kennedy
Cynthia Kirk
Danny Lee
Antwan Lewis
Porfirio Librado
Juan Licona
Keith Lindsey
Cesar Lozano
Martin Lynam
William Madewell
Jose Garcia Marquez
Freddie Mason
Scott Mason
Carolyn Massey
Walter Mays
Jennifer McCormick
Antonio McDill
Ronald Mcllveene
Trevor McLain
Chester McNeill
Gary Mitchell
Terry Mitchell
Monty Mixon
Patrick Mobley
Ahmed Mohamed
Jose Moreno
Rolando Mosqueda
Josh Murphy
Floretha Nobles
Bruce Norwood
Sara Oldenburg
Flipe Olivo
Jose Olmedo
Christopher Parizo
John Parker
Joe Parlette
Larry Pelletier
Tashina Pomani
Alanacio Ponse
Byron Redmond
Luis Reyna
Steven Reynolds
Teresa Rice
Ryan Richard
Asraf Robinson
Dantaril Rochon
Dawn Rodriguez
Peggy Rogers
Jerry Rose
Joe Ross
Jonathan Saffell
Mario Salazar
Robert Sampson
Leon Sanchez
John Sanders
Michael Sanders
Ann Marie Sarelli
Eric Sass
Kevin Sessions
Melodie Sheeds
Darrell Sheffield
Eugene Simmons
Charles Smith
David Smith
Edwin Smith
Kevin Smith
Akaliah Spencer
Jennifer Steadham
Joshua Steadham
Ted Stewart
Matthew Stockton
Denise Tejeda
Devonte Thomas
Jemhold Thomas
Lee Thomas
Sheilonda Thompson
Roque Trevino
Jeannette Trujillo
Alphonso Turner
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Arthur Wade
Tammy Wadsworth
Antwon Walker
William Wallace
James Waters
Kurt Wheeler
Michael Wheeler
Patricia White
Cal Williams
Wayne Williams
Carson Wilson
Tyson Wilson
James Winstead
Charles Wright
Robert Wright
Bonnie Yanez
2022 Angel Wings Memorial Dedication
Dedicated To The 179 Of God's Concrete Angels That Were Lost To The Streets In 2022.
The Youngest was a 23 Year Old Female and the Oldest was a 81 Year Old Male. Several of Them Died from Hyperthermia and Hypothermia and There Were Several That Were Killed .
The Total Number of Homeless That Have Died on the Streets of Dallas for the Years of 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022, Comes to a Total of 890, with 40 of Them Being Infants. Where's the Outrage and Where are the Funds Going that are Supposed to Help Prevent This From Continuing to Happen?
These Angels Have All Received Their Angel Wings.
Gone But Never Forgotten!
David Aceves
Damita Adams
Katherine Alexander
Luis Guilhermino Alves
Christopher Armstrong
Ira Armstrong
Salvador Arrendondo
Frank Ashley
Johnny Atkinson
Gary Barrance
Johnny Beller
Robert Benson
Danniel Bradford
Donald Brent
Walter Brooks
Stephen Butler
Liddie Canup
Tiburcio Castillo
Roberto Perez Cazas
Thongsavath Chanthatamya
James Chappell
Michael Chisum
La-Joize Clemons
Michael Clifton
Felicity Cox
Sandra Craig
Robert Currie
Malcolm Curry
Patrick Davis
Debra Dawson
William Dickerson
Darryl Drake
Eddie Edwards
Alejandro Rodriguez Estrada
David Florence
Lem Fountain
Buford Franklin
Kevin Franklin
Pedro Galvan
Hector Dominguez Galvan
Hector Gamez
Francesca Garcia
Corey Gill
Willie Golden
Luis Gomez
Jerry Graham
Stewart Granger
John Green
Armando Garcia Guerrero
Rebeca Guzman
Clarence Harris
Kevin Harris
Yunshun Harris
Bruce Hawkins
Chad Hensel
Eduardo Lopez Hernandez
Hector Hernandez
Juan Manzano Hernandez
Bartt Hill
Donald Holland
Dwain Janousek
Jimmy Johnson
Robert Johnson
Arbon Jones
Barbara Jones
Kevin Jones
Kurtis Kiseloff
Jeffrey Lear
Andrew Lederman
Robert Leopardi
Elaine Ligon
Jeffrey Lipscomb
Donald Littleton
Kamesha Lockett
Charity Love
Brandon Martin
Carlos Mayfield
Reynold Mclemee
Dora Melendez
Federico Miranda
Stanley Moore
Raymond Newchurch
Harry Okoroegbe
Juan Ortega
Salvador Padron
Vertis Pearl
Stephania Pence
Edward Peppers
Bobby Phillips
Bryant Piper
Steven Poe
Bobby Reed
Craig Reust
Melissa Reuther
Joe Reynolds
Hilario Rivera
Jason Roberts
Alejandro Aceves Rodriguez
Linda Rogers
Kevin Ross
Cleon Samuel
Desmine Scott
Joseph Senones
Anthony Shelton
Xavier Sherman
Marion Smith
Terry Snyder
Lewis Talbert
Danny Thompson
Drew Thompson
Jason Thompson
Terry Thurman
Heriberto Alonzo Ulloa
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Frank Vasquez
Jennifer Walker
Mia Wallace
Bryan Walts
Cedric Whaley
Juacane Williams
Rayven Williams
Lynn Williamson
Rincel Willis
Robert Willis
David Wilson
Samson Winn
Michael Wood
Veronica Yarbough
Joel Contreras Acosta
Elizabeth Alba
Raymond Bleylock
James Bottom
Charles Brigis
Latisha Allen Brinlee
Gilbert Bunton
George Coleman
Damien Collazo
Chester Corder
Lakitha Dardin
Lateasha Ellis
Abigail Ernst
Merle Gallaher
Rickie Hamilton
William Hershey
Tyrone Jones
Ronny Joseph
Vanessa Kelly
Donna King
Sebastian Kojro
Andrew Lederman
Jeremy Levy
Brooke Millican
William Murphy
Timothy O'Sullivan
Norman Oliver
Louis Perkins
Milton Segers
Elaine Terry
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Unknown To Man But Known To God
Christ Washington
Robert Williams
Ramon Ybarra
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