He will reply, "Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me."
Matthew 25:45
"But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish." Psalm 9:18
For God’s Concrete Angels there is hope and help that
For God’s Concrete Angels their is the hope that has come through other Churches and organizations that have also been working to help alleviate some of the suffering of God’s Concrete Angels. Churches and organizations such as Pathway of Life Church/ ACTZ Street Minstrey, https://www.polc.cc/ Parkway Hills Baptist Church, https://www.parkwayhills.org/
Bear Creek Community Church, http://www.bearcreekirving.org and Revelation of Jesus Christ Ministries Church, https://rjcm.org/ four Churches and organizations that also work extensively with the homeless community.
These four Churches and Organizations have been wonderful in working with and advocating alongside God’s Concrete Angels, to make a difference for God’s Concrete Angels, “One Angel at a Time” and for that we thank you all and hope to do more together, as well as looking to work with more Churches, organizations, and individuals, that work with and advocate for the homeless community.
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